Our BBB1LP Breath by Breath Respirometry Package is designed to measure both steady-state and dynamic changes in human metabolic rate under a variety of test conditions. VO2, VCO2, VO2max, resting metabolic rate (RMR), Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER), and a host of other physiological and pulmonary parameters may be measured on a breath-by-breath basis using this package.
The Breath-by-Breath Respirometry Package is easy to set up and use, and has all the accuracy of metabolic cart systems which cost many times more. All of the accessories such as face masks, holders, flow calibration kit, etc. are supplied with the package. Inhaled and exhaled breath is analyzed by the rapid response O2/ CO2 analyzer (S147) at a sampling rate of 50 Hz so that the entire breath waveform is displayed graphically in real time. The breath waveform and end-tidal O2 and CO2 are clearly displayed, even during vigorous exercise. All data are collected and displayed graphically. Data interface and software (compatible with both PC and Macintosh) are supplied with the package.
- Rapid response infrared CO2 and laser diode O2 analyzers in one instrument S147
- Differential pressure sensor pneumotach spirometer
- Heart rate monitor
- Human Respirometry O2 and CO2 Measurements
- Human Metabolic Rate Studies
- Pulmonary Studies – Spirometry
- Resting and Exercise Breath by Breath Analysis
- Cardio-pulmonary Studies
- S147 Rapid Response O2/CO2 Analyzer
- B301 Nafion RH Equilibrator
- S182 Wireless Heart Rate Monitor
- C901 Logger Pro Sofware
- C610 x2 LabQuest Mini Interface
- F500 Flowmeter
- A505 Face Masks (2 large, 2 med)
- A506-neo neoprene face mask holder
- A510 Pneumotach spirometer
- A511 Pneumotach adapter
- Sample Pneumotach Tubing and Connectors (Q13606)
- Flow Calibration Kit (Q13756)
- BBB1LP Accessory Kit (tubing, connectors, screwdriver)
- Terai B (2017) Neuromuscular dynamic modeling of human movement in motion environments. MSc Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada https://curve.carleton.ca/e36c9f76-ff24-43d5-834f-389d45c8d189
- Sung K and Freivalds A (2014) Evaluating both Physiological and Biomechanical Strains in Women Using Different Hoe Handle Designs. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 58th Annual Meeting, pages 1795-1999 https://doi.org/10.1177/1541931214581374
- Winter AG. et al. (2013) Stakeholder-Driven Design Evolution of the Leveraged Freedom Chair Developing World Wheelchair. ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Paper No. IMECE2012-88881, pp. 361-368; https://doi.org/10.1115/IMECE2012-88881
- Wren JS. (2012) Engineering Thermodynamics in the 21 st Century- Active learning by human body thermodynamics.” American Society for Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering Education 2012-5527