Z100 FluorCam – Closed

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Z100 FluorCam

The Z100 FluorCam – Closed System is a chlorophyll fluorescence imaging system designed for non-invasive studies of photosynthetic parameters in plants and algae via chlorophyll fluorescence.

The Closed FluorCam System Z100 consists of a high-resolution CCD camera (720×560 pixels), 4 fixed LED panels that illuminate the sample, imaging software with protocols, and 7 position filter wheel (optional) if imaging of other proteins’ fluorescence (i.e. GFP) is required. The LED panels provide uniform irradiance over samples up to 10 x 10 cm – suitable for small plants, detached leaves, Petri plates with seedlings or algal cultures, etc. The system allows dark adaptation and includes a high-performance PC and a comprehensive software package

  • High resolution CCD camera based imaging system
  • 4 LED panels for standard excitation
  • Optional additional LED panel available around the CCD camera
  • User friendly software with protocols for Fv/Fm, Kautsky induction, Quenching analysis, Light Curve, steady state fluorescence (standard)
  • Optional protocols for QA re-oxidation, Fast fluorescence induction (OJIP) with 1µs resolution, PAR absorptivity and NDVI reflectance index
  • Measurements of up to 50 different chlorophyll fluorescence paramters
  • Imaging of other fluorescent proteins (GFP, YFP etc) with optional filter wheel, filters, and LED panels
  • Includes dark adaptation chamber
  • Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging: Plants and Algae
  • Photosynthetic Research
  • Biotic and Abiotic Stress Resistance in Plants
  • Plant Pathogen Research
  • Stomatal Patchiness
  • Growth and Yield Improvements in Plants
  • Fluorescence parameters: (F0, FM, FV, F0’, FM’, FV’, QY(II)), Abs PAR-value, or the parameters that are calculated from fluorescence emission (e.g., NPQ, FV/FM, FV’/FM’, Rfd, qN, qP), PAR-absorptivity, photosynthetic electron transport rate (PS), and others
  • Excitation light sources: Standard: red-orange (617 nm), cool white (typical colour temperature 6500 K) Optional: royal-blue (447 nm), blue (470 nm), green (530 nm), cyan (505 nm), red (627 nm), deep-red (655 nm), amber (590 nm)
  • Saturating pulses intensity: 4,000 µmol(photons)/m²/s (in a standard version), 6,000 µmol(photons)/m²/s (in the light-upgraded version)
  •  Actinic light intensity:   Up to 2,000 µmol(photons)/m²/s (in standard), up to 3,000 µmol(photons)/m²/s (in light upgraded version)
  • Filter wheel: 7 positions
  • Light regime: Static or dynamic (sinus form)
  • Custom defined protocols: Variable timing, special language and scripts
  • CCD detector wavelength range:  400 – 1000 nm
  • CCD format: 720 x 560 pixels; optionally 1024 x 768 pixels (video mode) or 1392 x 1040 pixels (snapshot mode)
  • Imaging frequency: Maximum 50 frames per second
  • pixel size: 8.2 µm x 8.4 µm; optionally 6.45 µm x 6.45 µm
  • A/D bit resolution: 12 bit
  • Spectral response: QE max at 540 nm (~70 %), 50 % roll-off at 400 nm and 650 nm
  • Read-out noise: Less than 12 electrons RMS – typically only 10 electrons
  • Full-well capacity: Greater than 70,000 electrons (unbinned)
  • Bios: upgradeable firmware
  • Communication port: USB 2.0
  • Outer dimensions: 471 mm (W) x 473 mm (D) x 512 mm (H)
  • Weight: 40 kg
  • Power input: 1100 W
  • Electrical: 90 -240V
  • PERIN G., SEGALLA A., BASSO S. et al. (2015): Biotechnological Optimization of Light Use Efficiency in NannochloropsisCultures for Biodiesel Production. Chemical Engineering Transactions. Volume 37, Pages 763-768. DOI: 10.3303/CET1437128
  • PERIN G., BELLAN A., SEGALLA A., et al. (2015): Generation of random mutants to improve light-use efficiency of Nannochloropsis gaditana cultures for biofuel production. Biotechnology for Biofuels 8: p. 161. DOI: 10.1186/s13068-015-0337-5
  • BOURDAIS G., BURDIAK P., GAUTHIER A., ET AL. (2015): Insights from the cold transcriptome of Physcomitrella patens: global specialization pattern of conserved transcriptional regulators and identification of orphan genes involved in cold acclimation. The New Phytologist. Volume 205, Pages 869-881. DOI:10.1111/nph.13004
  • VERCRUYSSEN L., TOGNETTI V.B., GONZALES N. et al. (2015): GROWTH REGULATING FACTOR5 Stimulates Arabidopsis Chloroplast Division, Photosynthesis, and Leaf Longevity.Plant Physiology 167(3): 817-32. doi: 10.1104/pp.114.256180
  • BEIKE A.K., LANG D., ZIMMER A.D. et al. (2015): Insights from the cold transcriptome of Physcomitrella patens: global specialization pattern of conserved transcriptional regulators and identification of orphan genes involved in cold acclimation. The New Phytologist 205(2): 869-881. DOI:10.1111/nph.13004
  • DOOLEY F. D.,WYLLIE-ECHEVERRIA S., GUPTA E., ET AL. et al. (2015): Tolerance of Phyllospadix scouleri seedlings to hydrogen sulfide. Aquatic Botany. Volume 123, Pages 72–75. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2015.02.004
  • HURA K., HURA T., GRZESIAK M. et al. (2014): Function of the photosynthetic apparatus of oilseed winter rape under elicitation by Phoma lingam phytotoxins in relation to carotenoid and phenolic levels. Acta Physiol Plant. 36: 295–305. doi:10.1007/s11738-013-1410-y
  • LEAL M.C., JESUS B., EZEQUIEL J. et al. (2014): Concurrent imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence, Chlorophyll a content and green fluorescent proteins-like proteins of symbiotic cnidarians. Marine Ecology 1:13. DOI: 10.1111/maec.12164
  • ALINIAEIFARD S. and VAN MEETEREM U. (2014): Natural variation in stomatal response to closing stimuli among Arabidopsis thaliana accessions after exposure to low VPD as a tool to recognize the mechanism of disturbed stomatal functioning. Journal of Experimental Botany 65(22): 6529-6542. DOI:10.1093/jxb/eru370
  • HIDA E., CAKO V., BABANI F. et al. (2014): The Influence of Stress Analyzed By The Emitted Fluorescence Changes. IOSRJEN. 2014; 4(6): 38-43.
  • HIDA E., CAKO V., BABANI F. et al. (2014): Activity Imaging Photosynthetic Of Populus X Canadensis Moench Plants In Air Pollution. International Journal of Engineering Inventions. Volume 3. Pages 35-40.
  • GAWROŃSKI P, WITOŃ D, VASHUTINA K. et al. (2014): Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 4 Is a Salicylic Acid-Independent Regulator of Growth But Not of Photosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant. Volume 7, Pages 1151–1166. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mp/ssu060
  • BEELER S., LIU H., STADLER M., et al. (2014): Plastidial NAD-Dependent Malate Dehydrogenase Is Critical for Embryo Development and Heterotrophic Metabolism in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. Volume 164, Pages 1175–1190. DOI: 10.1104/pp.113.233866
  • JOHNSON, S. M., LIM F. L., FINKLER A. et al. (2014): Transcriptomic analysis of Sorghum bicolor resp onding to combined heat and drought stress. Plant Physiology. BMC genomics.,Volume 15, Page 456. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-456
  • LEE S. B., YOO S. Y., KIM D. Y. et al. (2014): Proteomic evaluation of the response of soybean (Glycine max var Seoritae) leaves to UV-B. Plant Omics.

FluorCam 7 Software

FluorCam 7 Software
  • Automated experimental protocols via a Windows Wizard.
  • Multiple (automatically repeated) experiments.
  • Automated labeling of individual plants, or samples, within the field of view.
  • Kinetic analysis of data from all samples within the field of view.
  • Numerous image manipulation tools.
  • Barcode reader support (Optional).
  • Export to text files, avi, bmp or raw data formats.
  • Windows 2000, XP, Vista, W7 compatible
FluorCam 7 Software

Measured Parameters:

  • Fv/Fm
  • Kautsky induction
  • Quenching analysis
  • steady state fluorescence eg. ChlF, GFP and other FPs (filter wheel required)
  • QA re-oxidation (needs optional electronic module)
  • Fast fluorescence induction (OJIP) with 1µs resolution (needs optional electronic module)
  • PAR absorptivity (needs optional accessories: filter wheel and additional IR LED panel)
  • Measured parameters: FO, FM, FV, FO’, FM’, FV’, FT
  • More than 50 calculated parameters: FV/FM, FV’/FM’, PhiPSII , NPQ, qN, qP, Rfd, PAR-absorptivity coefficient, electron transport rate (ETR), and many others
LED panels available and used for excitation of most common fluorochromes
LED panels available and used for excitation of most common fluorochromes
List of most common fluorochromes and types of suitable excitation LED panels

List of most common fluorochromes and types of suitable excitation LED panels

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