Q-S151 Infrared CO2 Analyzer is a non-dispersive infrared CO2 analyzer that measures CO2 in 0 to 2000 ppm range with 1 ppm resolution. Dependable technology is rugged and modular for an easy fit in our Q-Box Packages or for stand-alone use. Q-S151 is ideal for CO2 exchange measurements with leaves, insects, small animals, or organisms with a low metabolic rate. It is also excellent for measuring soil respiratory activity in situ in the field and in the lab.
This CO2 analyzer may be used in a flow-through system configuration for instantaneous and continuous measurements of CO2 production or consumption. It can also be used in a closed system mode for measurements at extremely low activity levels.
This Q-S151 CO2 analyzer may be set up for use in the injection mode where small samples of CO2 gas are injected into a carrier gas flowing past the CO2 sensor for measurements of CO2 levels in the headspace of collected samples.
The Q-S151 is a key component of Qubit Systems’ carbon dioxide control system for regulating pCO2 in growth cabinet or rooms.
- Switchable ranges of 0 – 500 ppm and 0 – 2000 ppm CO2
- 1 ppm CO2 resolution on digital display
- Non-dispersive infrared technology
- Modulated infrared light source = no moving parts
- 0 – 5 V analog output at both range settings
- Optional battery pack for field use
- Compact and portable
- Photosynthetic measurements
- Respiration of roots and soil samples
- Respirometry of insects and other invertebrates
- Head space analysis of cell cultures
- Atmospheric monitoring and control
- FL23 Algal CO2 Package
- Q-Box CO650 Plant CO2 Analysis Packages
- Q-Box RP1LP Low-Range Respiration Package
- Q-Box SR1LP Soil Respiration Package
- Operating principle – Non-dispersive infrared
- Gas sampling mode – Flowing gas stream, sealed chamber
- Maximum gas flow rate – 650 mL/min
- Measurement range (LCD display)- 0 – 1999 ppm
- Analog output, low sensitivity- 0 – 2000 ppm
- Analog output, high sensitivity- 0 – 500 ppm
- Accuracy – ± 1 ppm
- Repeatability (at stable atm press and temp)- Better than ±1 ppm
- Maximum drift (per year) – ±100 ppm
- Response time (@ 250 mL/min; to 95% of final value) – ca. 25 sec
- Warm up time (@ 22oC) – ca. 5 min
- Output (linear) for Low Sensitivity setting – 0 – 5 VDC for 0 – 2000 ppm
- Output (linear) for High Sensitivity setting – 0 – 5 VDC for 0 – 500 ppm
- Calibration adjustments – Zero and Span
- Operating temperature range – 0 to 50oC
- Storage temperature range – -40 to 70oC
- Operating pressure range – ±1.5% local mean pressure
- Humidity range – 5 to 95% RH, non-condensing (recommend drying gas stream)
- Pressure dependence – +0.19% reading per mm Hg
- Power requirements- 12 VDC via 120 VAC/60 Hz adapter
- Current requirements – 125 mA average, 450 mA peak
- Dimensions (cm) – (H x W x D: 5.5 to 9.5 x 9.5 x 17)
- Weight – 1kg
- Warranty – 1 year limited
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- Y.P. Cen and D. B. Layzell. Does oxygen limit nitrogenase activity in soybean exposed to elevated CO2? Plant, Cell & Environment Vol 27, Issue 10, p1229–1238 (2004).
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``I have tried several very cheap CO2 meters but yours is by far the best. Very quick response and reproducible. Measures respiration rate for compost incubated for just an hour. but I leave it for 24h unless it is very unstable. Other meters are so slow they do not really work the way i need.``
Frank Shields, Gabilan Laboratory, Keith Day Company Ltd. Salinas, CA, USA