The Q-teach Animal CO2 Package is designed for teaching the principles of respirometry in small animals like insects, lizards and amphibians placed in a flow-through chamber. Aquatic animals such as fish may also be studied when placed in the head-space aquatic chamber. The package includes everything required by the instructors: NDIR CO2 analyzer (0-2000ppm), gas pump/flow monitor (1LPM), two flow-through animal chambers and one aquatic head-space chamber. Temperature probe, gas bags, accessories, data interface, software and experimental files with all experiments and calculations are also included. Operational and Laboratory manuals are provided on a USB disk. An optional O2 analyzer (0-25%) may also be added to the package.
- Q-teach 101 CO2 Analyzer 2000ppm with soda lime and drying columns
- Q-teach 201 Pump/Flow Monitor 1LPM
- S132 Temperature Probe
- G113 Flow-through Chamber (1.6cm ID, 10cm L)
- G115 Flow-through Chamber (3.7cm ID, 15cm L)
- G230 Aquatic head-space chamber (8.5cm ID, 5cm H)
- G122 Gas Bags (2 x 30L)
- G212 Water trap for condensing ice bath
- C610 LabQuest Mini data interface
- C901 Logger Pro Software
- C404 disk with operational and laboratory experiments manuals
- Q-teach Accessories (tubing, filters, connectors, screwdriver, 2 x 3-way valve, wrench)
- Q-teach 300 O2 Analyzer 25% OPTIONAL

Sample Experiments:
- Measurements of metabolic rate in different animals
- The effects of temperature on metabolic rate of ectotherms
- The effects of temperature and substrate availability on metabolic rate of yeast