Q-teach AQUA Package

Home Products Q-teach Packages Q-teach AQUA Package

The Q-teach AQUA Package is designed for teaching the principles of respirometry in small aquatic organisms like fish, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates.  Measurements of changes in dissolved oxygen (DO) with optical DO probe are the basis of this package. Aquatic animals are placed in a polycarbonate  chamber filled with oxygenated water.  The chamber has a stir bar in its base and sits on top of a magnetic stirrer to ensure good mixing of the water.  The DO probe measure the rate of change in DO as animal respires.  When DO levels drop the user can turn on a gas pump, that is connected to the gas input of the chamber and oxygenate the water.  The package includes a temperature probe that is also placed in the water during measurements. The software provided with the package collects the data and provides analysis functions for calculating metabolic activity of the animals.


  • S122 Optical DO probe with replacement cap
  • Q-teach 500 Magnetic Stirrer
  • Q-teach 203 Gas Pump
  • S132 Temperature Probe
  • G217-V-t Aquatic respirometry teaching chamber (8.5cm ID, 7cm H)
  • C610 LabQuest Mini data interface
  • C901 Logger Pro Software
  • C404 USB disk with operational and laboratory manuals plus experimental file
  • Q-teach AQUA Accessories (tubing, connectors)
Q-teach AQUA package for teaching aquatic respirometry

Sample Experiments:

  • Measurements of metabolic rate in different aquatic animals
  • The effects of temperature on metabolic rate
  • The effects of diet on metabolic rate
Q-teach 500 magnetic stirrer
Q-teach 203 gas pump


Q-teach AQUA aquatic respirometry teaching package

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