Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Cuvette Electrodes are polarographic oxygen sensing systems for measurements of dissolved oxygen production or consumption in liquid suspension. DO Cuvette Electrode is composed of a water jacketed cuvette, a removable base that houses the electrode, and a plunger. DO cuvette electrodes are available in various volumes 1, 2.5, 4, 6, 30, and 50 ml. A flow-through cuvette is also available in 100 ul volume.
DO cuvette electrodes are based on a Clark cell type detector of dissolved oxygen and can resolve changes of 0.03% O2 in a background of 100% air-saturated water with a fast response time (15s). The DO electrodes are used together with A231 Electrode Amplifier, A255 Magnetic Stirrer, C410 Data interface, and C901 software. These electrodes are integral components of the various OX1LP Dissolved Oxygen Packages. The schematic diagram of the DO cuvette electrode is shown below.
- algal photosynthesis and respiration
- bacterial respiration
- respiration of microorganisms
- respiration of small aquatic animals
- mitochondrial respiration
- chloroplast O2 production
- cell suspension respiration
- plant cells suspension photosynthesis
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The following DO cuvette Electrodes are available, the maximum volume of the electrode is indicated. The minimum volume is 1/6th of the maximum and it can be achieved by lowering the plunger into the sample chamber:
- 1ml perspex (G108)
- 2.5ml perspex (G105)
- 2.5ml glass (G105-GL)
- 4ml perspex (G110)
- 6ml glass (G106-GL)
- 30ml perspex (G109)
- 50ml perspex (G107)
- 50ml glass (G107-GL)
- 100ul flow through (G90-FL)