Qubit Systems’ G400 Gas Mixing Systems can provide any gas mixture for up to 9 different gases. Highly accurate gas blending from ml to hundreds of Litres is provided by a single system. Gases are mixed automatically using Mass Flow Controllers with superb accuracy. Our PC-based Gas Mixing Software (C960) performs all the calculations required to generate your chosen gas mixture and implements mass flow controller settings with a mouse click.
Users may program a series of gas combinations and timings. If any selection is out of range the software warns the user. Each mass flow controller comes with calibrations for 130 different gases or gas mixtures. These may be changed in software as requirements change. Contact QUBIT with your specific requirements. Let us know the number of gases, types of gases, concentration ranges of the mixtures and the total final flow rate required, and we will design your Gas Mixing System.
QUBIT’s G400 Gas Mixing Systems are used to supply specific gas mixture in bioreactors, multicultivators, incubators and growth chambers. One Gas Mixing System may supply gas to multiple units.
- Combine 2 to 9 gases automatically.
- Instantaneous provision of required mixture with a mouse click.
- No calibration input required.
- Intuitive command structure.
- Automated flow implementation based on ratio and total flow.
- Error messages prevent selection out of range.
- Program multiple gas mixtures and timings.
- Store and retrieve settings.
- Combine up to 9 gases using Qubit’s Mass Flow Controllers.
- Mass Flow Controller Ranges from 0.5 SCCM to +200 SLM.
- Mass Flow Controller accuracy 0.2 % full scale or 0.6% of reading.
- Multiple Alternate Gases may be used with each controller.
- 130 Different gas flow calibrations stored per controller.
- Pure or mixed gases used as input gas.
- Manual or software control of mixing.
- PC interface provided for software control.
- Gas Composition Control of Algal Culture
- Gas Mixture Control of Incubators
- Food Storage Research
- Plant Growth and Tissue Culture
- Animal Research
- Fow rate – User specified from 0.5 SCCM up
- Accuracy – 0.6% of reading plus 0.2% full scale
- Optional enhanced accuracy of 0.4% of reading
- Software or manual control
- Up to 9 different gases mixed at a time
- Calibrations for 130 different gases included
- Response time 100ms
- Warm up time < 1sec
- Operating Temp: -10C to 60C
- RH range 0-100%
- Maximum pressure 145 psig
- Communication RS-232 serial/RS-485 Serial via 8/9 pin Mini-Din to USB interface
- power: 12 to 30 VDC, 0.25 Amp
- C Qiu, G Ethier, S Pepin, P Dube, Y Desjardins, A Gosselin. Persistent negative temperature response of mesophyll conductance in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) leaves under both high and low vapour pressure deficits: a role for abscisic acid? Plant, Cell And Environment 40, 1940-1959 (2017)
- J A Perdomo, A P Cavanagh, D S Kubien, J Galmes. Temperature dependence of in vitro Rubisco kinetics in species of Flaveria with different photosynthetic mechanisms. Photosynthesis Research 124, 67-75 (2015)
- D. Tholen, G Ethier, B Genty, S Pepin X Zhu. Variable mesophyll conductance revisited: theoretical background and experimental implications. Plant, Cell and Environment 35, 2087-2103 (2012)
- Charilaos Yiotis and Yiannis Manetas. Sinks for photosynthetic electron flow in green petioles and pedicels of Zantedeschia aethiopica: evidence for innately high photorespiration and cyclic electron flow rates. PLANTA Vol 232, Number 2, p523-531 (2010).

Gas Mixing Software