Q-Box NF1LP-CO2 Nitrogen Fixation

Home Products Plants Algae Coral Soil Nitrogen Fixation Q-Box NF1LP-CO2 Nitrogen Fixation

Qubit Systems produces the only complete experimental package for measurement of nitrogen fixation in H2 producing legume symbioses – Q-Box NF1LP Nitrogen Fixation Package. The unique flow-through H2 sensor (Q-S121) measures the production rate of H2 from N2-fixing tissues, allowing in vivo measurement of nitrogenase activity in real-time. In addition, the package includes Q-S151 CO2 Analyzer 2000ppm which is used in measurements of nodulated root respiration or respiration from any other plant tissues.  The Package contains everything required for successful experiments, including gas exchange pots for growing legume plants such as soybeans under nodule-producing conditions, all the nutrient recipes, and instructions. When combined with Qubit Gas Switching System measurements of nitrogenase activity on up to 3 plants is possible (4 channel system including reference)

Measurement of H2 evolution as a means of determining nitrogenase activity overcomes all the problems of the traditional acetylene reduction assay. The Q-Box NF1LP Nitrogen Fixation Package is perfectly safe, non-invasive, and allows changes in nitrogenase activity to be measured as they occur in growing plants.

The Nitrogen Fixation Package contains everything required to conduct numerous laboratory investigations into the physiology and biochemistry of N2 fixation in an open-flow gas exchange system. Calibration of analyzers is simple, set-up time is minimal and experiments are easy to perform. This system is designed for laboratory use, it is not a field system.

  • A flow-through gas analysis system for measurements of nitrogenase activity in H2 evolving symbioses (Hup-)
  • A flow-through gas analysis system for measurements of respiration (CO2 evolution) from nodulated roots
  • Non-invasive measurements of nitrogenase activity and respiration from nodulated roots
  • Calculations of nitrogen fixation rates in the software
  • Studies of Temperature Effects on Nitrogenase Activity and root respiration
  • Studies of Electron Allocation Coefficient of Nitrogenase
  • Studies of N2 Fixation and Photosynthate Supply
  • Studies of Inhibition of N2 Fixation by Fertilizer Supply
  • Q-S121 Hydrogen Analyzer (0-100ppm) includes a drying column
  • Q-S151 CO2 Analyzer 2000ppm
  • C301 Event Switch (Air/Ar)
  • S132 Temperature Sensor
  • Q-G267 Pump & Flow Monitor (1L/min)
  • Q-G268 Pump & Flow Monitor (2L/min)
  • G122 Large Gas Bags (2x30L)
  • G132 Plant Growth Pots (4) with lids, fittings, and sealant (Qubitac)
  • G161 Nodule Cuvette
  • B201 Soybean seeds
  • Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculant
  • C610 LabQuest mini (3) data interface system (9 channels)
  • C901 Logger Pro software
  • C404 Customized Setup Software
  • Rugged water-proof case housing all analyzers and sensors
  • Q-Box Accessory kit

Optional Components:

  • Wang X et al (2024) Biohydrogen utilization in legume-rhizobium symbiosis reveals a novel mechanism of accelerated tetrachlorobisphenyl transformation. Biosource Technology 404, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2024.130918
  • Schulze J at al (2020) Ammonium acts systemically while nitrate exerts an additional local effects on Medicago Truncatula nodules. Plant Science 292: 110383 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2019.110383
  • Wang X et al (2018) Coupling between nitrogen fixation and tetrachlorobiphenyl dechlorination in a rhizobium–legume symbiosis. Environ Sci Technol 52: 22178-2224 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.est.7b05667
  • Bulgarelli RG et al (2017) Mycorrhizae enhance nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis in phosphorus-starved soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill). Environmental and Experimental Botany 140: 26-33 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2017.05.015
  • Ferreira C et al (2016) pH effects on nodulation and biological nitrogen fixation in Calopogonium mucunoides Brazilian Journal of Botany 39, 1015–1020 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40415-016-0300-0
  • Kassaw T, Bridges W, Frugoli J (2015) Multiple Autoregulation of Nodulation (AON) Signals Identified through Split Root Analysis of Medicago truncatula sunn and rdn1 Mutants. Plants 4(2), 209-224; doi:10.3390/plants4020209
  • Cabeza R et al (2014) An RNA sequencing transcriptome analysis reveals novel insights into molecular aspects of the nitrate impact on nodule activity of Medicago truncatula. Plant Physiology 164:400-411 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.113.228312
Soybean Field
Q-Box NF1LP-CO2 nitrogen fixation package

Q-Box NF1LP Software

Q-Box NF1LP-CO2 data
Q-Box NF1LP_CO2 calculated data


“We have used both the Photosynthesis and Nitrogenase assay systems and find them robust and easy to use. An excellent feature is that the students can assemble the unit, get it working and then handle the data. This is a great boom from a teaching point of view in that the students feel that they are in control and they learn the real pitfalls in setup and data handling.
Qubit’s educational packages are hard to beat. As tools for teaching students the principles of photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation, they are great value!”

Dr. Warwick Silvester, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

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